Create a professional
email signature

Make your emails stand out with WiseStamp’s email signature generator. Start for free!

for individuals for organizations

WiseStamp's award-winning generator includes


Email signature templates created by professional designers.

App gallery

Add banners, call-to-action buttons,
social links & more.

Email signature manager

Easily manage email signatures
across your company. Learn more.

An effective marketing strategy

Get free traffic to your website with emails you send every day. Try WiseStamp smart apps, there’s an app for every need.


Be social

Make it easy to find you online by adding links to your social accounts.

Connecting with customers

Add your photo to build trust and to create a personal connection with prospects.

No coding or design experience required

Get the look you want without the hassle! Simply add your details, choose a template and get professional results in less than 2-minutes.

no HTML is needed

Create a powerful email signature for your business. Perfect for professionals, freelancers, and small business owners.

start for free