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Microsoft 365 Signature Management

Manage Outlook signatures centrally with WiseStamp. Our integration supports most Microsoft 365 (Office 365/Outlook 365) versions, ensuring consistent branding across your organization without individual installations. Tailored for businesses of any size.


Global company email signature management from a single dashboard

WiseStamp offers a variety of simple integrations to allow user and email signature sync between Office 365 (Outlook 365) accounts and the WiseStamp Outlook 365 Signature management platform.

  • One time set up
  • Seamless integration. Short, simple, and secure. Cross-platform solution.
  • No write nor read permissions within emails are necessary
  • You keep control over user management
  • You keep ownership over email data
WiseStamp integration for Outlook365
wisestamp integration globe

Data storage and security

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Data centers technology

We are here to help with troubleshooting, requesting information, or anything you need to get the outcomes you expect.

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Integration & setup assitance

We are here to assist you with setting up your account, integrating your systems with WiseStamp, and customizing your company signature so it helps your business grow.


No email hosting

Unlike other solutions in the market, we don’t use third-party servers. You permit us to inject your signature but maintain full ownership over your email data.

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GDPR compliant

We understand your concern about keeping your company’s email traffic data safe. That’s why we’re taking all necessary measures to protect your data from being compromised.

Read more about our security

WiseStmap offers integration with all leading platforms:

Save tens of IT hours – Install once and never look back

WiseStamp helps IT managers to easily take control over the entire company email signature.

One time set up

Seamless integration

Enable roles and permissions

Assign signatures by department or teams

Automated new employees process

Sync with Outlook365 employees directory

Join more than +15K companies world wide who already enjoy WiseStamp