Email marketing is still the most effective channel for generating sales. That’s why it’s critical to stay on top of the latest trends, tools, and services that help optimize your email marketing campaigns. One of the most effective and developing tools is dynamic email content.

What is dynamic email content?

Dynamic email content allows you to adapt your email to individual recipients and audience segments so that it’s more personal. The more you personalize emails, the better your conversion rate. This might sound similar to email segmentation, but, dynamic content is different and much more efficient.

What kind of content can I make dynamic?

The most common type of dynamic email content that we’ve become familiar with is pretty basic, such as the recipient’s name. “Hi [Name], thanks for joining our email list!” The dynamic content populates based on the recipient’s personal data. But you can get more creative with dynamic content. Here are several examples of how to use dynamic email content that will boost conversions.

1. Add a dynamic email signature

Your email signature—whether as an individual or company—is a powerful marketing tool. One of the easiest and most efficient ways to add dynamic content to your email is simply to create an email signature that dynamically displays content.

A great example is an email signature that dynamically displays your latest social media content. With WiseStamp’s email signature add-ons, you can seamlessly display your latest Facebook page status, Tweet, Instagram photos, Youtube video, and LinkedIn status. In the signature examples below, a photographer dynamically displays his latest photos while a blogger dynamically displays her latest blog post.

Make it yours
founder and owner email signature template

Genrate an email signature

2. Add a survey, event registration and more!

The dynamic email content is becoming more and more sophisticated and one of the pioneers of dynamic email content is none other than Google. What’s to come for dynamic email content? Imagine creating an email newsletter that allows your recipients to take action right within the email instead of linking them to a landing page? For example, registering for an event, changing a reservation, or making a purchase right within the email.

The Takeaway

Expect dynamic email content to continually evolve. In it’s simplest form, dynamic content allows you to automatically personalize emails with data about your individual recipients, like their name or location.

But, as it develops, dynamic email content will allow recipients to complete actions seamlessly within their Inbox like responding to questionnaires, booking travel, and browsing product catalogs. Containing all of this dynamic, interactive content within the email itself —as opposed to linking out to a tab or mobile site—will certainly boost conversions.