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Doctor signature

Make a doctor’s signature that sets you apart. Learn from examples and take inspiration from beautiful templates.

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Doctor signature

Requirements for a valid doctor’s Email signature

The following are the criteria used to validate a doctor or NNP signature in the US by some of the major medical authorities in America, including the CMS.

  1. Your signature must be used for specific services you provided 
  2. Your signature must be legible and comparable with your signature log
  3. Your signature must be handwritten or digitally signed 

Rubber stamps are also acceptable you can prove you have a physical impairment that prevents you from hand-signing

*Please note that we are not a licensed authority on this matter. We bring you information from free online sources like the CMS. Make sure you comply with the law by consulting the authority regulating your specific use of a doctor’s signature.

Doctor hand signature examples

Alexander FlemingAlexander Fleming doctor signature
Sigmund FreudSigmund Freud signature
Joseph ListerJoseph Lister doctor signature
See more signatures

Make your personal doctor’s hand signature

doctor’s signature is what your client usually needs from you, and it’s what they take with them when they go. In this respect, your signature acts as your seal of approval as a medical authority.

But in reality, your signature does more than just carry your authority – a great doctor signature will leave an impression of your professionalism as a medical practitioner. Why? nobody knows. But people tend to associate neat handwriting with competence.

That’s why we made a digital hand signature generator so that professionals like you can create and download their signature for use in digital documents and (how can we forget?) their email signature footer.

free handwritten signature generator - Wisestamp

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How to create the best doctor email signature

As a doctor, you’ve earned your credentials with hard work. So, having worked so hard, why risk it by looking unprofessional when it comes to your email signature?

If your peers showcase a beautifully designed doctor email signature you don’t want to miss out (see email signature templates used by Doctors). 

Building the best email signatures is easy using our signature generator, but there are still some basic rules to keep in mind so you can make the best of it.

What to include in a doctor email signature?

the following is the essential professional information any medical worker’s signature should include:​

  1. Full name
  2. Job title: In your title, be specific regarding your field. Are you an anesthesiologist? an ear nose and throat ENT specialist etc…
  3. The name of your hospital, HMO, or private practice 
  4. Direct phone number to you or your assistant
  5. Your personal webpage on the hospital/HMO website or your private practice website
Doctor email signature

How to make your doctor email signature more credible

Do the following to add deeper insight into your credibility and expertise​:

  • Add a clean and respectable photo of you in your hospital uniform or anything else that represents your daily activity
  • Add a logo of your hospital, HMO, or private practice. This will increase your credibility and your signature’s memorability.
  • Add a Linkedin icon to your signature block with a link to your personal profile.
  • Add a Twitter icon to your account, if you are active on social media and build your personal brand as an authority in your field.
Doctor email signature layout

Doctor email signature layout

All of these features can be easily found and added to your signature by using the Wisestamp Email Signature Generator. Start creating your email signature now, and you’ll have it set up in your email in 5 minutes.

Learn from what others in your professions use as their signature

Take a peek at a few signature examples based on what our users (doctors like you) actually use. If you like any of these email signature template samples you can easily generate one with Wisestamp email Signature Creator.