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Cookies and Similar Tracking Technologies Policy

Last Revised: Jan 01, 2024

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This Cookies and Similar Technologies Policy (this “Policy”) provides you with general information about cookies and similar technologies (collectively, “Tracking Technologies”) as well as how and for what purposes WiseStamp Technologies Ltd. and its affiliates (“WiseStamp”, “we”, “us” or “our”) use such Tracking Technologies on the WiseStamp Websites and Services (as defined under the Privacy Policy ).

Please take the time to read this Policy. If you have questions or comments, you are welcome to contact us at: privacy@wisestamp.com

What Are ‘Cookies’?

Cookies are small files with pieces of information, normally consisting of just letters and numbers, which websites use when users visit them.

Software on the users’ devices (for example, a web browser) can store cookies and send them back to the website the next time they visit, to make a specific function of the website work and to provide information about the user’s activities on the website.

What Are Cookies Used For?

Cookies are used in numerous ways. For example, when analyzing traffic to a website or tracking users’ browsing behavior.

Cookies are widely used as they allow a website to recognize a user’s device. Cookies and other similar technologies help websites to remember the visitors and their activities, for example, the user’s login details or the goods users wish

to buy when they add goods to their online basket or proceed to the checkout on an internet shopping website.

What Are “Session Cookies” and “Persistent Cookies”?

“Session Cookies” are removed from your device once you close your browser session.

“Persistent Cookies” last for longer periods on your device – after you close your browser session.

A user can delete previously set Persistent Cookies manually or configure the browser settings to delete cookies, as further described below.

What Are “First-party Cookies” and “Third-party Cookies”?

First-party Cookies are set directly by the website that the user is visiting. For the purpose of this Policy, these are cookies that are set directly by the Website.

Third-party cookies are set by a domain other than the one visited by the user. For the purpose of this Policy, these are cookies that are set by service providers of the Website.

What Are “Similar Technologies”?

Functions usually performed by a cookie can be achieved by other means. This could include, for example, using certain characteristics to identify devices so that visits to a website can be analyzed.

Any technology that stores or accesses information on the user’s device is relevant for this purpose, and therefore it includes, for example, HTML5 local storage, Local Shared Objects and fingerprinting techniques.

Additionally, technologies like scripts, tracking pixels and plugins, wherever these are used – are also considered as Similar Technologies.

Does WiseStamp Use Tracking Technologies?

Yes, we do.

We use both Session Cookies and Persistent Cookies as part of your experience on the Websites so that we can facilitate the use of the Websites’ features and tools, keep track of your preferences, improve your experience with our Websites, for web analytics and for marketing purposes.

Some cookies are strictly essential for the operation of the Websites while other cookies help to improve our services and marketing activities. The same rule goes for all Tracking Technologies that we use.

We have created a detailed Tracking Technologies table page, which is attached as an Appendix A to this Policy and is available here. The table will

provide you with a clear and comprehensive image of the Tracking Technologies that we use.

When a Tracking Technology contains Personal Information, as indicated in

Appendix A, then our privacy policy  applies as well.

Does WiseStamp Need to Obtain My Consent for Using Tracking Technologies?

Yes, however only with respect to the Tracking Technologies that are not strictly essential for the operation of the Websites, as further indicated in Appendix A.

If you do not agree to accept our cookies or other Tracking Technologies that are not strictly essential for the operation of the Websites, you can manage your tracking technologies preferences of your web browser or decide not to use our Websites.

Can I Manage My Tracking Technologies Preferences?

Every browser allows you to manage your Tracking Technologies preferences, usually found in the “Help” or “Settings” sections of the web browser.

Here are some links to some commonly used web browsers: (a) Google Chrome;

(b) Microsoft Edge; (c) Mozilla Firefox; (d) Microsoft Internet Explorer; (e) Opera;

(f) Apple Safari.

In addition, you can turn off certain third party targeting or advertising cookies by visiting the following link: Network Advertising Initiative.

To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set, you can visit the following websites: www.aboutcookies.org and www.allaboutcookies.org.

Some web browsers offer a “Do Not Track” (“DNT”) signal. A DNT signal is an HTTP header field indicating your preference for tracking your activities on our services or through cross-site user tracking. The Websites do not respond to DNT signals.

Will We Change This Policy?

We update this Policy, where needed. Every time we will change this Policy, we will either send you an email about it or post a notice on the Website. We will post a notice on the Websites if our policy update includes substantial changes and obtain your consent once again, where required under applicable laws.

Appendix A: Tracking Technologies Table


Strictly Essential

  Name  Purpose and expiration date1st/3rd party
  ws_cookie_policySaved upon accepting Wisestamp’s cookie policy. Expiration: 1 year.  1st
  ws_session_idUser session ID. Expiration: 1 year.  1st
    zlcmidUser ID Expiration: 1year.  1st
    GOOGAPPUIDGoogle Cloud cookie that splits traffic of app to different versions. More info. Expiration: 2 years.    3rd

Analytics Cookies

  Name  Purpose and expiration date1st/3rd party
  mp_ws_alooma_aloomaMixpanel/Alooma tracking cookie. Expiration: 1year.  1st
  ws_user_hashUser ID (pre-registration). Expiration: 1year.  1st
    _gaGoogle Analytics Anonymized statistics. More info. Expiration: 1year.    3rd
  _gidGoogle Analytics Count and track pageviews.  3rd

 More info. Expiration: 1 day. 
    _gat_[UID]Google Analytics Throttle request rate. More info. Expiration: 1 month.    3rd
    _uetsidGoogle Tag Manager – store and track visits across websites. More info. Expiration: 1 day.    3rd
    _uetvidGoogle Tag Manager – store and track visits across websites. More info. Expiration: 2 weeks.    3rd
  _clckMicrosoft Clarity – User ID Expiration: 1 year  3rd
    _clskMicrosoft Clarity – Combines pageviews by a user into a single session recording Expiration: 1 day    3rd

Marketing Cookies

NamePurpose and expiration date1st/3rd party
    _fbpFacebook – Store and track visits across websites. Info and opt out.   Expiration: 3 months.    3rd
  _gcl_auGoogle Tag Manager – Store and track conversions. More info.  3rd
 Expiration: 3 months. 
_conv_s, _conv_v, _conv_rConvert ABTest tool – Track page views  3rd