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How to add social media icons, logos & links to your Gmail signature

Load your Gmail signature with social media links for Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter & more

Create a social icon signature
social media icons for email signature gmail

Follow the steps below to make a Gmail email signature with FacebookLinkedin, Instagram, and other social media links. 

Make it yours
Minimalist consultant email signature template

Gmail signature with added social media links | Made with WiseStamp


There is an easier and faster way to do this, and get a great looking professionally designed email signature (completely free). Use WiseStamp’s email signature generator. Over 1.2 Million people already use it, and thousands more of your peers are joining every month.

Want to manually add your social media links in Gmail? Awesome, let’s start.

  1. Go to Gmail settings by clicking the “Gear” icon in the top-right corner > Select Settings from the dropdown menu that opens
  2. Scroll down to the Gmail signature editor under Signature > select the signature you wish to edit (or click the Create new button to make ones)
Gmail email signature - step 1 - Add new signature
Gmail email signature - step 2 - edit signature
  1. Choose one of the icons or buttons we have set up for you below:

Note: Alternatively you can search on Google for a social media icon or button you specifically want to add to your Gmail signature

Facebook Icons & buttons ​facebook-icon-roundfacebook logo squarefacebook like buttonfollow us on facebook
Instagram logo, icon & buttons​instagram logoinstagram iconinstagram buttonfollow us on instagram button
Twitter icons & buttonstwitter icontwitter logofollow us on twitter buttonfollow me twitter button
Linkedin icons & buttonslinkedin icon circleconnect with me linkedin buttonview my linkedin profile button
  1. To insert the icon/button image into your signature you have 3 options:
    • Download the icon to your computer > then upload it to your signature by clicking the Image icon in the editor toolbar
    • Open the icon image in a separate tab in your browser > then click the Image icon in the editor toolbar and choose to add an image by URL > then insert the icon URL from the tab you opened
    • Simply right-click (PC)/ 2-finger-click (Mac) on the image > then copy and paste it directly into your Gmail signature editor
add image to gmail signature

Upload the social icon or banner to gmail

  1. Double click on the social icon/button image > then select the Link icon from the editor toolbar > add your social media page URL
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings tab > hit Save Changes. That’s it, you’re set up!
Make it yours
email signature template for Gmail this persoanal sign off

Gmail signature with social media icons – Made with WiseStamp

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